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Spiritual Healing Process & Rebbe Nachman's Birthday



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Rabbi Meir Elkabas

Parshat Tazria HaChodesh
This week on BreslovCampus, Meir Elkabas discusses the Torah portion, Parshat Tazria, and this coming Shabbat, Parshat HaChodesh, Rosh Chodesh Nissan and Rebbe Nachman's birthday--it's an important Shabbat!

In this parsha we learn about the affliction of leprosy and the healing process which occurs after a person speaks lashon hara (slander).

Reb Meir also explains the message in Parshat HaChodesh, which signifies to each of us the possibility of new beginnings, and starting over as well as the message for the Jewish people as a whole, because it is Rosh Chodesh. 

We also acknowledge with great joy Rebbe Nachman's birthday.

May this significant and very special Shabbat be one of great blessings and may we merit the welcoming of Moshiach in our days.

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