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Unconventionally Beautiful



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Rabbi Shais Taub

The Torah tell us that Rachel was beautiful but that Leah had "bleary eyes." On a deeper level, this describes two personality types—the conventional spiritual beauty of the perfect tzadik and the unconventional spiritual beauty of the struggling penitent. It is the latter who has a special power to take on the spiritual darkness of this world and refine it. One such story is about a young man who wanted more than anything to remain in yeshiva but his Rebbe sent him to drive a tractor. (Based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 35, pp. 152-154.)

This class, for women, is given at Chabad of the Five Towns — Levi Yitzchak Library on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM and posted afterwards on https://SoulWords.org.

in English
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