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Vzakeini - A Song/Prayer for the Children



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Baruch Levine, Benny Friedman, New York Boys Choir, and Shir Vshevach
Bonei Olam Presents: Vezakeini, A Song for the Children
It’s a prayer of passion. Of feeling. And of yearning.

This special prayer, recited every Friday evening across the globe, unite women from across the Jewish world, bringing together mothers and mothers-to-be iy”H in special harmony.


As I stand in candlelight
With my hands upon my eyes
There's a passion in my prayers
That rends the skies
For a mother's tears can shatter
Every gate that bars the way
All the heavens will echo those words that mothers say

וזכני וזכני
Take my children by the hand
Help them walk along Your way
May they never go astray
May they know You
As I know You
Oh, Hashem , accept my plea
Give me children who'll give nachas
To You and to me

As I stand in candlelight
While my home is dark and still
There's a void inside my heart
I long to fill
Will I ever be mother
Will that blessing come my way
Will I stand by the candles
With gratitude and pray

וזכני וזכני

Take my children by the hand
Help them walk along Your way
May they never go astray
May they know You
As I know You
Oh, Hashem , accept my plea
Give me children who'll give nachas
To You and to me

וזכני וזכני
יעדער איינער וויל דאס זעהן
בעטן מיר ביי דיר אצינד
נחת פון א יידיש/יעדע קינד
זרעא חיא וקיימא
און מ'לאזט א טרער דערצו
יעדער משפחה מיט די ברכה

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Songs - Песни
Vzakeini, song
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