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The Mountain Song - Little Har Sinai



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Rabbi B

Shavuot is the holiday we celebrate the receiving of the Torah. Hashem (G-d) chose to give the Jewish people the Torah on a mountain, more specifically on Mount Sinai. Hashem wanted to teach us to be proud of who we are, but not so proud that we become a show off. This song illustrates this point.
Happy Shavuot everyone!

I am a mountain so very high
I can reach all the way up to the sky
The Torah should be given on me
For I am as tall as can be, you see

I am a mountain
So very wide
I can reach all the way from side to side
The Torah should be
given on me
For I am as wide as can be, you see

I am much better than both of you
And there are so many things I can do
The Torah should be given on me
For I am the best that could be, you see

But little Har Sinai
Just stood there and cried
I know I'm not tall,
I know I'm not wide
How can the Torah be given on me?
For I am as plain as can be you see

So which mountain do you suppose
Was the one that Hashem wisely chose?
It wasn't the ones that were wide or high
Hashem gave the Torah on Har Sinai.

- I would like to add that I would have preferred to change the lyrics of Har Sinai's part. I do not think it is correct to teach children that being a kvetch and crying about things is not the correct way to be. I would have liked to have written words like:

Little Has Sinai did not feel bad
He was always happy about the things it had
He knew that Hashem made him the way he should be
Think this and you too will feel so happy

Or something like that!

Thank you for watching and for forgiving me on the beginner style animation. I, Rabbi B, do things myself so as not to charge my fans for this type of entertainment. I love that I can offer some fun and educational material for you and I hope to make more and more. With Hashem's help, I will.
in english
Shavuot - Шавуот Kid's Torah
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