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Torah Simulation Theory



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Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Are we living in a digital simulation? Might the Torah and ancient Jewish texts support this notion? And how might it help solve many Biblical puzzles? Find out in this mind-boggling class where we also explore quantum physics and the observer effect, multiverses, the Big Bang, the mystery of sleep, AI and virtual reality, and: could the world be flat?

For more on Kabbalah & Quantum Physics, see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QEn8maKRb8

For more on the multiverse in Judaism, see here: https://www.mayimachronim.com/superheroes-in-judaism-the-first-multiverse/

For more on the notion of Cosmic Jubilees and the cycle of civilizations: https://www.mayimachronim.com/cosmic-shemittot/

See also ‘Is Your Brain a Quantum Computer?’ https://www.mayimachronim.com/is-your-brain-a-quantum-computer-a-scientific-explanation-for-the-soul-and-afterlife/
in english
Miscellaneous - Разное
artificial intelligence, AI, virtual reality, simulation theory
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