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Rav Ephraim Shapiro

Rav Ephraim Shapiro - Rav, Shaaray Tefilah of North Miami Beach/ Renowned Lecturer

Rabbi Shapiro has been a major force in bringing B'nai Yisroel closer to Hashem, His Torah, proper observance of Mitzvohs and performance of Ma’asim Tovim Lishma. His care and concern for every person is evident in the relationships he has with adults and children of all ages.

Rabbi Shapiro’s world-wide reputation as a speaker has taken him throughout the United States, Canada, South Africa and Israel. His name and reputation, as well as his relationship with G'dolai Yisroel, testify to his Torah dedication & inspirational abilities. As one of the most prolific speakers in the world, Rabbi Shapiro is renowned for his daily shiurim for the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation and many of his Torah classes can be found on TorahAnytime, among other places on the Internet. Rabbi Shapiro is also heavily involved in speaking on behalf of SHUVU, BMG, and numerous other worthy organizations.

From the center of the world and the city that unifies all Jews, Yeshivat Hakotel is proud to present an unprecedented Pre-Tisha B’av Worldwide Achdut Program. Visit vayichan.com for more info!

The song Acheinu was sung by Kol Zimra. Inspiring Jewish Harmony. It's what we do and who we aspire to be. www.KolZimra.com and www.KolTefilla.org.

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Inspirational - Вдохновляющее
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