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Why Yosef allowed himself to be buried in Egypt temporarily, unlike Jacob his father?



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Rabbi Moshe Hubner

December 29, 2020
Summary: Yosef is buried in Egypt for a reason.
Concepts: Why didn't Yosef fear to be buried in Egypt (as opposed to Yakov)?; Yosef: I survived four tests, so can you: Four reasons why success in Egypt: 1) he did not change his name 2) did not give up on language 3) did not snitch on his brothers to Jacob 4) his morality saved him. Yosef's coffin=Aron=Ark; Yosef buried in water, bad? for Moshe but good for getting rid of Egyptian enchantments; water breaks sorcery.
in english

Vayechi, Yosef hatzadik
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