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The Shadow King



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Rabbi Mendel Kaplan

THE SHADOW KING ~ Studying Tehillim. Shir HaMa’alot: Psalm 121 - Part Three

Awe-Psalm Ascendancy Series ~ Redemption Songs on the Shir HaMa’alot:
Studying Tehillim. Psalm 121 - Part Three: "THE SHADOW KING"

Are we Shielded or Shaded by G-d: Do we have it "Made in the Shade" or do we need to "Make it Happen?" How our relationship with Heaven is really a Shadow of Righteous Reciprocity, and why that would be expressed as Shielded from Sunstroke and Freezing Moonlight Misfortune!
#Protection #Reciprocity #Tehillim #Psalms #Songofascents

This class is sponsored by Betty Fluss to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of her late Father, Tzvi Hirsch ben Yechezkel

in English
Tehillim/Psalms - Псалмы
God is like a shadow
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