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Q&A- Tisha B'Av, Boycotts & Bat Mitzva



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HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz

Submit questions for the Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz https://forms.gle/VCZSK3wQJJ4fSd3Q7
00:00 A few questions about Reuven and Gad's request in Parshas Mattos.
05:02 Why do both 'mateh' and 'shevet' mean both 'staff' and 'tribe'?
11:42 If Moshiach would come during the 3 weeks, what haftaros would we read?
14:50 What are the parameters of tofel, and how might those apply to ice cream cones and other such foods?
21:48 If all the questions will be answered when Moshiach comes, what will be the purpose of learning Torah, and will there still be chiddushim?
26:39 Why does Tisha B'Av not have tachanun?
31:11 How do we tell the difference between halacha and hadracha?
38:30 Why do we try to name our children with matching English and Hebrew names?
46:30 Why does Rashi sometimes contradict himself?
50:59 How often should one check one's tefillin?
53:01 Why should tzadikim who have natural talents get more Olam Haba because of those talents?
1:00:43 How does one keep the inspiration one feels as a new baal teshuva as one delves deeper into the halachos and the standard Jewish world?
1:07:41 What is the argument, from both sides, on wrapping tefillin in the street?
1:12:31 Should one have his tefillin checked if they were bought before one paid close attention?
1:15:33 What should the relationship be between a Rav and a halachically well-versed individual?
1:19:19 Can a girl have a bar mitzvah? Can she have a bat mitzvah?
1:23:14 Should Jews boycott German products, particularly those brands associated with the Nazi Party?
1:30:30 How much does our free will affect the world at the expense of the power of God's plan?
1:35:20 Is it better, in order to become a well-rounded learner, to focus on gemara then branch out or to diversify one's learning?
1:40:26 How does one ration time for all his responsibilities?
1:42:39 What should one do with family or friends who disparage Judaism?
1:44:27 Should one cut ties with such family/friends?
in english

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