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The Gift of Torah



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Rabbi Chaim Richman

This week’s Torah portion of Bamidbar begins with the counting of the Children of Israel, as they began their sojourn in the desolate, dangerous wilderness; a bleak and hostile landscape. Why does G-d count the Children of Israel before resting His Presence upon them, what is the connection between this census and the upcoming Festival of Shavuot… and why did G-d choose to give His gift of the Torah in the wilderness, of all places? The secret of the ‘great and awesome wilderness’ conveys a powerful message that aids each and every one of us to truly receive Torah in a personal and lasting way…on the level of the soul.

The portion of Bamidbar (Num. 1 : 1 - 4 : 20 ) is read on Shabbat, 29 Iyar, 5783 - May 20, 2023
in english
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